Visual Effects Boutique for Film & Television ____________________ ____________________

Entornos Invisibles

television 2009

“Visual development trough 3D animation”


entornosInvisibles_posterProduced by 100 Bares Producciones, we’ve created the Motion Graphic Department inside the same production house while we were also leading other projects in the Vfx Department at the same place. We help to contribute with 3D animation not only for the initial pilot but also for the rest of the 13th chapters apart from managing more than 15 artist involved in this television program.


We also have implemented the use
of Massive Software for cg crowd generation.
It was the first time in Argentinean television.


Project done at 100 Bares Producciones.

Browse portfolio


  • Canal Encuentro


  • 3D animation
  • massive crowd