Visual Effects Boutique for Film & Television ____________________ ____________________

MAKING OF: The Vast of Night



One Tracking Long Shot of 4 and a half minutes at 6K of resolution!

AMAZON Studios released the full “oner-shot” we have created for the film “The Vast of Night” with our visual effects voice-off comments.

This well known oner shot (as our company name refers) is a extended long take of four minutes and a half mixing three different locations working at 6K of resolution. Several camera transportation methods were used: hand-held camera on gimbals, go-kart at ground level, crane rigs, four-truck to speed up and finally on foot again. Then we’ve achieved camera blending and digital stabilization through the use of cgi and compositing techniques.

Here you may enjoy the comparison video showing the raw camera footage against our final vfx oner-shot!.




Completely full CG environments to match the actual live action location.

The main idea was to show broken trees due to a previous UFO landing which recently took-off.

Here you may enjoy the comparison video showing the raw camera footage against our final vfx shots including animatics/previz.




CG ufos designed from scratch!

The main idea was to mimic the retro style from the 50’s ufos. One big mothership and one small scoutship.

Here you may enjoy the comparison video showing the raw camera footage against our final vfx shots including animatics/previz.

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